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What are the types of veneers?
What are the types of veneers? Porcelain and composite bonding are the most common veneer materials. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is shaped and bonded to a tooth to enhance
What are dental veneers?
What are dental veneers? Veneers are thin durable shells made of tooth colored materials that are bonded to the surface of a tooth to enhance its appearance
What are the drawbacks of dental veneers?
What are the drawbacks of dental veneers? Once you have had your tooth prepared for the veneer, the process is not reversible. In the case that a veneer cracks, it is difficult to repair without
How much do veneers cost?
How much do veneers cost? The cost of porcelain veneers will vary depending on where you are having them done, and on how many teeth
What is the most common reason to have veneers replaced?
What is the most common reason to have veneers replaced? The porcelain veneer is very strong and should not break under normal circumstances. If gum recession occurs the root of the tooth may
What is involved in getting a dental veneer?
What is involved in getting a dental veneer? Getting a porcelain veneer is usually a multi-step process. The first step is to get a consultation with a prosthodontist. At this visit, you can
How many veneers do I need?
How many veneers do I need? A prosthodontic consultation is needed to determine how many veneers are required or if veneers are the best option. It is a good idea to have an even number
What should I ask my prosthodontist before getting veneers?
What should I ask my prosthodontist before getting veneers? Ask your prosthodontist to show you other cases of veneers they have done, specifically cases that look like your situation. 
What are Lumineers?
What are Lumineers? Lumineers are a commercial brand of porcelain veneers. The veneers can be fitted to your existing teeth without preparation (the need to drill or grind them down)
What are the advantages of dental veneers?
What are the advantages of dental veneers? The preparation of veneers preserve the most amount of tooth structure, as very little needs to be removed.  They can improve