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How long do dental veneers last?
How long do dental veneers last? Typically, a veneer lasts approximately 5-10 years. They do not require any special care other than regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the prosthodontist
Can I preview my veneers before they go in?
Can I preview my veneers before they go in? A digital smile preview can be made by taking a picture of the patient's face and digitally editing the teeth.  This
Can I brush and floss my teeth after veneers, and do I still have to come for professional hygiene appointments?
Can I brush and floss my teeth after veneers, and do I still have to come for professional hygiene appointments? Yes! You can brush all your teeth the same way. You can floss all the veneered
Are veneers a covered insurance benefit?
Are veneers a covered insurance benefit? It depends on your dental insurance. Some insurance companies will cover up to 50% of a fee they see as reasonable, but don’t expect
What habits should I avoid or stop?
, and anything that will put undue stress on the veneers
Will I need gum contouring?
Will I need gum contouring? In some veneer cases, contouring the gums will give a better cosmetic outcome. It is done to create symmetry and lengthen short teeth. Most gum contouring causes
Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Veneers
Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Veneers | American College of Prosthodontists Skip to Main Content Search --> Search Home  »  Home &
What can I eat and what foods should I avoid?
What can I eat and what foods should I avoid? You can eat most foods but each patient has a different bite. Therefore, we recommend eating softer foods the first few days until the patient gets used to the new bite position. After several weeks there is no limitation unless your case has specific needs. The most common foods to avoid are: ice, hard biscuits, hard candy, caramel apples, hard nuts, pumpkin seeds, and popcorn.
Dental Veneers - What are Veneers
Dental Veneers - What are Veneers Porcelain veneers are used to modify the shape and color of teeth , and they are the treatment of choice for teeth that are relatively intact but may be misshapen
Beautiful Smiles: Our Specialty
Beautiful Smiles: Our Specialty From veneers to whitening and more, prosthodontists are specialists in creating beautiful smiles