
Complete Denture
Before and after photos of a patient with an immediate complete upper/lower denture.
Implants to Support Dentures
Implants were placed to support his upper and lower complete dentures.


Beautiful Smiles
Before & After photos of beautiful smile transformations.
Ceramic Restoration
Before and after photos of a restoration done with CAD/CAM digital technology.
Embarrassed to Smile in Public
This patient had severe gum recession and black triangles. She was embarrassed to smile in public.
Full Rehab with Crowns
Leo M. was told that he needed complete dentures and his teeth could not be salvaged. He visited a prosthodontist for a second opinion.
Improved Colors with Veneers
The patient was unhappy with the inherent discoloration in his teeth. 8 porcelain veneers were done.
Porcelain Crowns for a Happier Smile
The patient was unhappy with his smile after orthodontics. 4 upper and 4 lower porcelain crowns done
Refreshing a Tired Smile
Sharon C. was a grandmother who didn’t want to look like a grandmother. She felt that her smile looked worn, tired, and dingy.
Severely Worn Teeth
This patient had severe wear of his teeth due to abuse of soda and sugary drinks. He also had teeth grinding habits at night, and multiple gaps in his front teeth.
Unhappy with the Look of His Teeth
This patient reached his mid fifties and was very unhappy with the look of his teeth. His prosthodontist developed a comprehensive treatment plan.


Beautiful Smiles with Implants
Before & After photos of a beautiful smile transformation with implants.
Lost Teeth in a Car Accident
This young patient had an automobile accident and unfortunately lost her 2 front teeth and had a large gap. She also had adjacent teeth that were twisted and rotated.
Missing a Tooth
A public speaking professional was referred to a prosthodontist with a missing front tooth. She was embarrassed to smile in public.
Missing Multiple Front Teeth
As a result of missing teeth, the patient had missing bone that created depressions in his gums, which caused frequent food impaction.
Severe Tooth Decay
This young patient presented with decay of all teeth that could not be saved.