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As a new denture wearer, the bottom denture seems loose. What should I do?
As a new denture wearer, the bottom denture seems loose. What should I do? In most cases, the lower denture is much less stable than the upper denture. This is due to the shape of the gums
Is it possible to have dentures put in the same day as teeth removal?
Is it possible to have dentures put in the same day as teeth removal? Yes, it is possible to have your teeth removed and dentures put in the same day. These dentures are called immediate dentures
What types of dentures are there?
What types of dentures are there? Dentures may replace all or only some of the teeth. The dentures that replace all the teeth are known as complete dentures and they rest on the gums that cover
Can I sleep in my dentures?
Can I sleep in my dentures? Yes, you can wear your dentures at night but it is preferred that they be removed. You should remove your dentures at night and this will give your gums and bone
How do you know when it’s time to reline dentures?
How do you know when it’s time to reline dentures? If the dentures no longer fit as well as they once did, you may need to have a procedure done to refit the base of the denture, called
What do I do if my dentures feel very heavy and it is difficult to close my mouth?
What do I do if my dentures feel very heavy and it is difficult to close my mouth? While it may take time to simply adjust to the new dentures, it is likely that if teeth were removed the same
My dentures will not stay in no matter what kind of adhesive I use. What should I do?
My dentures will not stay in no matter what kind of adhesive I use. What should I do? Relines of dentures should improve the fit of the base of the denture to the jaw. However, if your jaw has
How do I care for my dentures?
How do I care for my dentures? Whitening: It is not possible to whiten dentures like natural teeth because dentures are made of plastic. To minimize staining, properly clean your dentures
I have implants under my bottom denture, but my denture is still loose. Why?
I have implants under my bottom denture, but my denture is still loose. Why? If the implants had been placed a long time ago and you have not returned for folllow-up/maintenance visits
What do I do if the screws in the denture are loosening?
What do I do if the screws in the denture are loosening? If you had implants inserted, it sounds like the implants were intended to help stabilize the denture, in which case, they should reduce